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George Lou Cares About His Community


What Motivates Me To Donate to the Brantford General Hospital Pediatric Ward?

I have been donating for many years to the Pediatric Ward of the Brantford General Hospital. I continue to donate because I am committed to give back to our great community who has supported and trusted me over the years. I have chosen to donate a portion of my commissions and toys to the Pediatric Ward because I believe we should invest in our children. They are our future. This was always my belief and even more now, with 3 boys of my own.

George Lou making a donation to the BGH.

George Lou making a donation to the BGH.

George Lou Karmiris presenting a cheque to the Brantford General Hospital.

I have been quite impressed with how the Brantford General Hospital has utilized my donations over the years. To name a few examples, money has gone towards the purchase of a Vital Signs Monitor for the children, and recliner chairs to bring convenience to parents who stay overnight and comfort their children. I am especially excited and eager to witness the launch of the New Pediatric Care Campaign. I am happy to support the substantial renovation that will include investment in new equipment.

George Lou Karmiris in hospital with kids.

George Lou Karmiris presents stuffed animals to kids in hospital bed at BGH.

I am proud to disclose that I have personally donated an accumulation of $57,000 and toys to the Pediatric Ward of the Brantford General Hospital over the years. I am even prouder to continue this tradition with my boys and instill in them the importance of caring and giving back to your community.

George Lou Karmiris in the community banner.

George Lou donates toys to children at the Brantford General Hospital

George Lou donates toys to children at the Brantford General Hospital

George Lou donates toys to children at the Brantford General Hospital

George Lou donates toys to children at the Brantford General Hospital

George Lou donates toys to children at the Brantford General Hospital

George Lou donates toys to children at the Brantford General Hospital